My Gen Con Writer’s Symposium Schedule

I think I’m probably a bit over-scheduled for GenCon this coming weekend – I’m signed up for these writing workshops and seminars. I’m thinking my brain is going to be pretty fried if I attempt to do all of this, so I’ll probably skip out on some of them strategically. Fortunately they’re all in the same area of the convention center, so getting from one to another will be easy. And I can take some breaks and visit the Exhibit Hall.

WKS1345344 (Fiction Fundamentals Part 1: Plotting and Planning on Thu at 08:00 AM – 3 hours)
SEM1345352 (Writer’s Craft: Don’t Tell Your Story, Show It! on Thu at 12:00 PM)
WKS1345347 (Writer’s Craft: The Structure of Scenes on Thu at 01:00 PM)
SEM1345249 (Writer’s Craft: Should You Plot or Not? on Thu at 03:00 PM)
SEM1345063 (Writer’s Craft: Literary Alchemy on Thu at 05:00 PM)

WKS1345345 (Fiction Fundamentals Part 2: Creating Scenes on Fri at 08:00 AM – 3 hours)
SEM1345260 (Business of Writing: Career Building on Fri at 12:00 PM)
SEM1345351 (Writer’s Craft: Point of View – What is the point? on Fri at 01:00 PM)
WKS1345348 (Writer’s Craft: Tension on Every Page on Fri at 03:00 PM)
SEM1345264 (Writer’s Craft: Novel Outlines on Fri at 04:00 PM)

WKS1345346 (Fiction Fundamentals Part 3: Putting on the Polish on Sat at 08:00 AM – 3 hours)
SEM1345284 (Exploring Genres: Urban Fantasy on Sat at 11:00 AM)
WKS1345350 (Writer’s Craft: Schrödinger’s Plot on Sat at 01:00 PM)
SEM1345301 (Writer’s Craft: Screenwriting for Novelists on Sat at 02:00 PM)

IN scoping out photos of previous year’s events, it looks like they don’t provide tables in the writer’s workshops, which is a little frustrating. It seems like a little thing but when you’re sitting in seminars all day, having a table for your laptop is a world of difference in convenience. I can’t imagine not taking my laptop, but without tables… I guess I’ll have to see. I hate taking notes by hand anymore.

I missed out on the Midwest Writer’s Workshop this year, but I’m planning to attend next year. I hope I’ll have my novel done by then, and a good start on a second one.

GenCon 2010

Interesting writing programs

  • Second Story is a non-profit writing project serving kids, schools and community organizations in Indianapolis, Ind. Programs include in-class writing instruction at local schools, as well as after-school tutoring, creative-writing workshops and other events.
  • Dr. Fredric Rinehart has been credited with developing the first Secret Headquarters in 1932, in the city of Los Angeles. His breakthrough in concealment technology met with suspicion from the local authorities, because of which the project, then known as "SHQ", was shelved. It was suspected that SHQ technology could be used to generateunrest in the city. The original purpose of these hidden facilities is unclear to this day. Some believe, as the government-backed authorities did, that the Secret Headquarters were used as housing facilities for the growing espionage network in Southern California.
  • 826 National is a family of seven nonprofit organizations dedicated to helping students, ages 6-18, with expository and creative writing.
  • Founded in 1979, The Writers' Center is Indiana's only comprehensive community-based literary service organization. The Center's outstanding roster of classes offers writers at any level new approaches and ideas to further their journey in writing.